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Create Conversations Based On Authenticity

Emotionally guarded people are boring, and success with younger chicks is all about coming across as an interesting guy. So, you need to learn to express yourself around women in a unique manner.

I believe every one of us has a fascinating person inside. You’ve had interesting experiences and have unique ways of viewing the world, but you may have a tendency to “dumb yourself down” around women and fail to communicate your interests and passions.  You may also be masking the “real you” because you figure you ought to play it safe and go with her flow.

A lot of guys make the mistake of trying to “mirror” women, thinking that this will create a connection. If she’s talking about her problems and frustrations, he talks about his. If she’s happy and enthusiastic, he puts on a “happy” front and tries to relate to her on that level. If she talks about her dramatic relationship with her ex-boyfriend, he’ll go on and on about his ex-wife, etc.

It’s when you come across as authentic that women will truly relate to you—and respect your confidence in who you are, and what you bring to the table.

What is authenticity?

  • Being real
  • Being opinionated
  • Risking looking stupid
  • Risking rejection
  • Being raw
  • Being emotional
  • Being intense
  • Being passionate
  • Having a sense of humor

Try Out Lots Of Different Types Of Approaches

As I said earlier, every dating “guru” teaches a slightly different method and has different ideas about how to find and meet women. Just as each woman is different and requires a slightly different approach, each man reading this book is different, too.

For you to feel comfortable and be your best “seductive self,” you’ll need to find ways of approaching and interacting with women that fit your personality and style.

The only way to find your unique voice is to try out all sorts of different approaches, until you find what works for you.

Don’t get stuck in one way of interacting with women that doesn’t feel authentic to you.

I’ve seen older guys trying to act like 20-year-old frat guys and attempting to use ghetto slang and approaches that seem immature and inappropriate.

(They’re failing miserably with women, in case you were wondering.) I’ve also seen older guys use approaches that had them appear too reserved, professorial, and uptight. These men also  failed, big time. You must go out and try different types of approaches,  in a variety of different social situations, to find out how to best succeed with younger women in ways that feel congruent to you.

Convey A Paradoxical Personality

Women love paradoxical guys. Women crave men who are complicated and mysterious, not simple and easy to figure out.

To start, answer these questions: What is it that women would not expect about you? How are you paradoxical?

Every man reading this is paradoxical at some level. You have the ability to portray many different aspects of your personality at one time. You do this by sharing and revealing different points of view that you hold, sharing unique stories, and showing that you, in your own way, are paradoxical.

Show a woman that:

  • You are a gentleman and a “bad” boy at the same time.
  • You are sexual and trustworthy at the same time.
  • You’re ambitious and focused, but also know how to cut loose and party.
  • You can be hot and cold: giving her your undivided attention, then being unavailable when she wants to see you or talk to you on the phone.
  • You can be both edgy and sweet.
  • You can be emotionally available and emotionally turbulent at the same time.
  • You can be dramatic and serious, and also silly and playful.
  • You’re a funny guy who doesn’t take life too seriously, but you can also talk about deep, introspective topics.

You can accomplish this through telling stories and sharing details of your life that highlight different aspects of your personality especially things about yourself that a woman will not expect.

Be Emotional

We all know that women love, and bond through, emotions. Emotions are like your “artist’s palette” when you’re constructing conversations with women. It is emotional intensity that changes the tone and vibe of a conversation, and by subtly tweaking the emotional content, you can change the mood dramatically.

Learning to speak the language of women means using emotions in your stories, and in your conversations. You need to learn how to include EMOTIONAL CONTENT when asking questions and making statements.

Come up with stories from your life on the following topics:

  • A time you felt frustrated or angry.
  • A time you were really scared.
  • A funny but embarrassing story.
  • A story about a time you felt overwhelmed with excitement or joy.

You need to start utilizing emotional content to create a deeper sense of rapport with women. When you do so, they will feel more connected to you. When you don’t, women will feel that the conversation is more platonic and boring.

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