Tips On How To Pick Up Younger Ladies
A lot of guys send me emails and ask about the specifics of men dating younger women. They’re correct to assume that the usual tactics & approaches don’t necessarily apply when your goal it to seduce younger women. It requires you to “switch up” your strategy a bit.
But before we discuss tactics, you’ve got to have the correct attitude towards succeeding with younger women. Understand that guys dating younger women is a totally natural situation. And yet, a lot of guys don’t think it’s possible for them to meet and date a super-hot younger chick. They assume that younger women won’t be interested in them, or will view them as “creepy” if they try to approach and start a conversation.
Well, I’m living proof that it’s not only possible for you to be be dating young women — it’s actually a heck of lot easier than you think. The first and most critical thing to bear in mind is that women actually prefer older guys.
And, I can show you a quick and easy system for learning how to date younger women. I say, join the club! Here’s a fact for you: every year, the age gap between men and women who get married in the United States (and in other countries, too) grows larger.
How To Pick Up Younger Women
In other words, every year the men get a bit older on average, and their spouses get a bit younger.
Here’s another revealing fact: when guys tie the knot for the SECOND time, they marry women who are 10 years younger, on average.
And here’s something else to mull over: in 20% of these second marriages, the man is over 20 years younger than his partner!
The funny thing is, no one minds if a super-successful or famous guy marries a hottie who is way younger than he is.
Donald Trump? Have you seen how hot his wife is? They had a baby not too long ago, and they’re very happy together…
The actor Michael Douglas? (He’s married to Catherine Zeta-Jones, the stunning actress. ‘Nuff said.)
I could give you a ton of other examples. This has been true all throughout history. It’s only in modern times that a double-standard has emerged — that it’s fine for a driven, successful older guy to be with a much younger spouse, but it’s somehow “wrong” for the normal guy to pursue this course.
So why, exactly, do older guys have such a potent urge to be with a younger mate? Well it actually goes much deeper than him simply wanting a young babe with a firm body. The deeper reasons are rooted in our biology; men are hard-wired to want a woman who is in good physical shape, youthful and fertile, who has the greatest chance of bearing his children and carrying on his genetic legacy.
And it’s not just about sex and having kids. Studies have shown that dating a younger woman actually increases the life span of the guy. Her youthful enthusiasm and energy quite literally rubs off on you, and makes you feel, and act, younger.
When you come right down to it, the yearning to sleep with hot younger chicks is a natural, healthy desire.
And to get you started on the path to wild sexual success with younger women, there’s a tactic you need to start utilizing. It’s a method that I use all the time. Just last week, I used it to steal a HOT 24-year-old away from the 25-year-old “bad boy” douche bag she’d been dating! (Boy, was he pissed…lol.)