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Secrets Of Dating Young Ladies

This blog contains the new and updated Secrets Of Dating Younger Women.” When I first released this program two years ago, the response was overwhelming. Since then, guys around the world have enjoyed this program and written me to share their success stories.

Anyway, the other night I met up for drinks with a friend of mine named Jack. Jack is in his mid-forties and recently suffered through a brutal divorce. Jack has cautiously begun to dip his toe back into the dating pool, but he’s a bit nervous about the whole thing not to mention being severely out of practice.

Jack began to complain to me about his lack of success. He’d been using an Internet dating service and had found it fairly easy to line up dates with several women. But so far, the results had been awful.

The women Jack were meeting up with were close to his own age, in some cases 4-6 years younger. But while he still possessed the energy and enthusiasm of a younger man, these ladies seemed so…well, old!

A typical date would involve Jack shelling out a bunch of money to take the woman out for a nice meal, while she spent most of the time complaining about her ex-husband, problems with her kids, her bills, and other assorted crap he really didn’t want to hear about.

So I asked Jack, “If you could describe the perfect woman for you to date your dream girlfriend what would she be like?” Jack shrugged and reeled off some of the usual “criteria”: she’d be pretty, in good shape, intelligent, great sense of humor, etc…

Then I asked him, “and how old would this woman be? Would she be 45 years old, the same as you?” To this, Jack chuckled and sighed. “Well, I guess if I had my choice, of course she’d be younger. But what would a hot young babe want with a guy like me?”

Jack clearly needed some coaching and some positive reinforcement. He takes care of himself and stays in shape. He looks younger than his actual age. He’s also a very smart, interesting guy who’s done a lot of traveling and has a wealth of experiences to share and talk about.

So why can’t a guy like Jack enjoy himself with sexy younger women? And furthermore, why would a younger woman not want to date a guy like Jack? I’ll tell you why. It’s because we’ve been conditioned to believe that dating a hot and significantly younger woman is somehow “weird.”

Of course, it’s perfectly fine in fact, it’s expected if you’re a rich guy, or a famous guy. Then it’s okay, right? But regular guys like Jack aren’t supposed to consider this option. They think it just wouldn’t be “appropriate” or “acceptable,” and on top of that, they’ve been brainwashed to believe that sexy younger women would never want to date them, anyway!

Dealing With Younger Women

young women

Well, here’s the big dirty “secret” that THEY don’t want you to know about… And when I say “they,” I’m referring to two groups of people:

Group #1:  The women in your age group. They’re usually either stuck in miserable marriages, or finding it impossible to land a “good man” (i.e. one who will pay their bills and put up with their endless baggage and bullshit).  These bitter women certainly don’t want the eligible bachelors in their already-shallow dating pool to have younger women as options!

Group #2: Your male friends. I’m going to assume that you don’t have many single guy friends at this point in your life. Most of them (if not all) are married or in serious relationships, and handed over their testicles long ago. As much as they gripe about the confines of their relationship, they believe this is how it’s “supposed to be” once a man reaches a certain age.

The fun has to end sometime, right?  Sooner or later a man has to settle down and get serious… This is what society, the media, and your friends and family would try to make you believe. And if you’re over the age of 35, the other part of this belief is that you should get “serious” with a woman your age, or very close to it.

But this doesn’t mean it’s what men really want. Actually, it runs counter to the way we are hard-wired. To put it bluntly, your buddies would be absolutely mad with jealousy if they knew you were tagging some hot young piece of ass!  And here’s the big secret they wish they’d learned before:

Men are Hard-Wired

Men are biologically hard-wired to want to be with younger women; it is a healthy, natural desire. And women are programmed to desire older men. It’s been this way for thousands of years!

So what if you are interested in seriously pursuing Option B: dating women who are significantly younger than you are? Well, the benefits of dipping into this dating pool are obvious. You know that women your age typically show up to a relationship with more baggage than Paris Hilton returning home from an all-day shopping spree.

The average single woman past the age of 35 is divorced (at least once), probably has at least one child, and has formed a lot of lousy, negative beliefs and unrealistic expectations about men and relationships.

There’s just too much crap you’ll need to deal with. And why should you?  Then, of course, there is the physical appeal of younger women. Smooth skin; shiny, lustrous hair; a firm body that hasn’t begun to sag in all the wrong places; a turbo-charged libido and a willingness to experiment in the bedroom; and perhaps most importantly of all, a sense of exuberance and spontaneity that makes you feel young again. Eager to jump start your dating experience with young women? click here for more tips.


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